Turmeric: Ginger’s Sexy Sister! Top 10 Health Benefits

Turmeric: Ginger’s Sexy Sister! Top 10 Health Benefits

Posted by on Jul 5, 2013 in Whole Foods

Turmeric You may have seen this bright yellow-orange spice in the grocery store and wondered “how would I ever use that?” Well you healthy and fabulous eager learners, let me fill you in on the juiciest info I’ve got on this popular spice. There’s a lot scouring the web about turmeric, but let me give you the ultimate 411 and share some tricks of the trade that us holistic nutritionists know. Go grab your turmeric now that you have sitting in the spice cupboard, bring it with you to the computer, sit down, get comfy and let’s dive into this divine spice worth many times it’s weight in gold. Ready? Let’s go…  READ MORE

Top Nutritional Benefits of Oranges + Zesty Orange French Toast Recipe

Top Nutritional Benefits of Oranges + Zesty Orange French Toast Recipe

Posted by on Jul 5, 2013 in Health Tips/ Recipes/ Whole Foods

Oranges are rich in flavonoids and antioxidants. They're great for promoting heart health! The first time I remember really enjoying eating oranges was when I was a kid and my mom would prepare big batches of orange slices for our soccer games and practices. Eating the juicy orange slices was the best part! They were super hydrating and bursting with flavor and citrusy deliciousness. It wasn’t until I became interested in holistic nutrition that I really learned all the amazing things about this fruit. Let me share some with you!  READ MORE

Ashley’s Vegan Fiber-Bombs

Ashley’s Vegan Fiber-Bombs

Posted by on Jun 1, 2013 in Recipes

Ashley's Vegan Fiber Bombs - Rich source of healthy fiber and superfoods! The love of my life, Mark Guarini, created the Mighty Muffin several years ago. Everyone loves them! Recently I was asked for a vegan version to feature on a health show. Mark and I didn’t think this was possible. One evening, I made a vegan ‘egg substitute’ (aka chia seeds soaked in water).  READ MORE

Garlic: Nectar of the Gods

Garlic: Nectar of the Gods

Posted by on Apr 28, 2013 in Whole Foods

Garlic is also known as Nectar of the Gods... find out why! Did you know that garlic is also known as Nectar of the Gods? It’s true! There’s so many benefits and applications to integrating garlic into our everyday lives. Keep reading to find out other common names that garlic falls under and the Top 10 Health Promoting applications where you can use it and a few secret tips from a holistic nutritionist to curb “garlic-breath”. Don’t say no to the garlic dip next time you’re offered some at a party. Go for it!   READ MORE

Does L-Glutamine Look Good Naked?

Does L-Glutamine Look Good Naked?

Posted by on Mar 28, 2013 in Health Tips/ Whole Foods

L-Glutamine We hear a lot about protein and the need to make sure that we get enough protein each day. Lately, we’ve been hearing more and more about L-Glutamine and that it’s very important for us. But,

  • What is it?
  • Why do we need it?
  • Where can we get it?

Keep reading to find out if L-Glutamine looks good ‘naked’ or if it’s a marketing fad!  READ MORE

Vitamin C – Are You Getting Enough?

Vitamin C – Are You Getting Enough?

Posted by on Mar 28, 2013 in Health Tips/ Whole Foods

Bell Peppers are a rich source of Vitamin C Did you know that animals have the ability to produce Vitamin C in their body? It’s actually their livers that produce it. This is amazing! But what happened to us humans? Well, we got left out of the genetic coding when it came to making our own Vitamin C, so we need to rely on getting Vitamin C through our diet. Find out why Vitamin C is so important and what foods you can find it in. You’ll want to read this article to find out which food has the highest amount of Vitamin C. And no, it’s not an orange!  READ MORE

Kraft Dinner Undressed – You Mean To Tell Me The Orange Coloring Is…?

Kraft Dinner Undressed – You Mean To Tell Me The Orange Coloring Is…?

Posted by on Mar 28, 2013 in Health Tips/ Products Undressed

Gotta be KD? Are you sure? Kraft Dinner (KD), also know as Kraft Macaroni and Cheese, may be cheap and you may be surviving off of it to pay off your mortgage sooner rather than later, but you NEED to know what is in this stuff. Because if you did, you might not touch it again. Sometime’s taking the ‘cheaper’ way out isn’t always good for our health. Think about it: ‘cheaper’ usually (however, not always!) means cheaper quality. When we neglect to give our bodies top quality care and food that is free of chemicals (pesticides, herbicides, etc), GMO’s and low-nutrient-profile food, what are we giving our bodies to work off of? Not much. Keep reading to find out what you’re body is given to run off of when we feed it Kraft Dinner and find out how you can make a healthier SEXIER version.  READ MORE

Understanding the Glycemic Index and the Glycemic Load

Understanding the Glycemic Index and the Glycemic Load

Posted by on Feb 21, 2013 in Health Tips

Sugar The Glycemic Index (GI) Diet has been largely marketed as a weight loss diet or a diet for diabetics, but where did it’s theories originate from and why is it so important that we all know about this so-called ‘glycemic index’ and ‘glycemic load’? Keep reading to discover how you can add this simple concept to your daily routine to Be Healthy & Feel Fabulous!


Why apple cider vinegar is your new best friend and 4 recipes for bathroom, kitchen and beauty!

Why apple cider vinegar is your new best friend and 4 recipes for bathroom, kitchen and beauty!

Posted by on Feb 20, 2013 in Health Tips/ Products Undressed/ Recipes/ Whole Foods

Raw Unpasteurized Apple cider vinegar I love apples! Apple cider vinegar, being a derivative of apples, definitely factors in there too. In fact, I love apple cider vinegar MORE than apples because of its amazing health benefits. I use it everywhere: bathroom, kitchen and even part of my beauty routine! Keep reading to learn what apple cider vinegar can do for you and why you’ll want to bulk up on it next time you shop! I’ve undressed apple cider vinegar, and the ‘spoiler’ is that it’s ALL good! READ MORE

Do you know what nutrients your medications are depleting?

Do you know what nutrients your medications are depleting?

Posted by on Feb 20, 2013 in Health Tips

How many medications are you taking? It seems that everyone is taking at least one type of medication after age 50. One of the biggest concerns that holistic nutritionists have for their clients is whether or not their clients are getting their RDA’s of vitamins and minerals to perform all the processes our bodies perform each day! One thing that can hinder this is medication. Do you know what nutrients are depleted by the medications you are taking? Keep reading to find out what’s being depleted and how you can ensure your body is getting everything it needs. READ MORE