Raw Unpasteurized Apple cider vinegar I love apples! Apple cider vinegar, being a derivative of apples, definitely factors in there too. In fact, I love apple cider vinegar MORE than apples because of its amazing health benefits. I use it everywhere: bathroom, kitchen and even part of my beauty routine! Keep reading to learn what apple cider vinegar can do for you and why you’ll want to bulk up on it next time you shop! I’ve undressed apple cider vinegar, and the ‘spoiler’ is that it’s ALL good!

Apple cider vinegar is rich in nutrients! It’s a good source of Vitamin C, manganese, potassium, and acetic acid.

Using apple cider vinegar in the bathroom and around the house:

Looking for an environmentally healthier option to help you with your house cleaning that is cheaper than the soaps and detergents out there currently that are laiden with chemicals, ‘fake’ scents and harmful additives? Believe it or not but apple cider vinegar is your go-to cleaner! Next time you clean household surfaces, mirrors, windows, countertops and tabletops, opt for apple cider vinegar.

Apple Cider Vinegar All-Purpose House Cleaner Recipe:


2 cups apple cider vinegar
2 cups purified warm water
2-6 drops pure essential oils of your choice (such as rose, lavendar, grapefruit or lemon balm)


  1. Add 2 cups of apple cider vinegar to 2 cups of warm water.
  2. You can safely add in a few drops of pure essential oils (such as rose, lavendar, grapefruit or lemon balm) to make the house smell nice and mask the ‘vinegar’ scent that you may smell from this mixture alone.
  3. Have fun with mixing scents and even chat with a certified aromatherapist that can create some delicious scent blends that can enhance your well-being and health!
  4. Enjoy cleaning surfaces, windows, walls, just about anything that you would clean with an all-purpose cleaner.
  5. For tough stains, add in 1-2 tsps baking soda to the above mixture.

Best of all, you don’t need to use rubber gloves with this homemade cleaner – diluted apple cider vinegar is great on your skin (as you’ll find out in the next section)!

Using apple cider vinegar in your beauty routine:

You can use apple cider vinegar to vamp up the shine in your lovely locks and even detangle long hair! To accomplish this, here is a super easy beauty trick:

Apple Cider Vinegar Hair Rinse Recipe:


1 cup apple cider vinegar (I prefer raw unpasteurized apple cider vinegar – with Mother)
1 cup purified non-chlorinated, non-fluoridated water
Few drops of a pure essential oil of your choice (e.g. lavender, lemon balm, rose, grapefruit, tangerine… or a mix!)


  1. Combine ingredients together.
  2. Place mixture in a glass bottle, Mason jar or spray bottle.
  3. After washing hair, use this mixture as a rinse by pouring or spraying directly onto your pre-washed, wet hair.
  4. Let it sit in your hair for a few minutes.
  5. Rinse with water. No need for conditioner!
  6. Enjoy the smoothness, shine and natural detangler that you’ve discovered in apple cider vinegar. This is safe to do a few times per week!

You can also use apple cider vinegar on your skin! I had a client once that was suffering from shingles with a painful red rash around her back. She used apple cider vinegar compresses to treat it – and it helped significantly! But you don’t need to have shingles to put apple cider vinegar to the test. Apple cider vinegar is helpful in reducing pimples, blackheads, whiteheads, acne pustules, and can be used as a facial toner and skin conditioner and softener. Want this beauty secret recipe?

Apple Cider Vinegar Skincare Recipe:


1/3 cup apple cider vinegar (I prefer raw unpasteurized apple cider vinegar – with Mother because this contains healthy bacteria that are important especially if acne is present!)
1 cup purified non-chlorinated, non-fluoridated water


  1. Combine ingredients together in a glass bottom container.
  2. Using a clean cotton ball, apply this mixture on your skin and allow to dry. For acne, apply several times per day.
  3. You can also put this mixture into a spray bottle and spray this on your entire body when you get out of the shower for soft healthy skin. Give it a try and leave your comment below!

Using apple cider vinegar in the kitchen:

Want to hear something cool? Apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid. When you consume acetic acid it actually makes you feel fuller, longer. This works by reducing the glycemic index (GI) of the food you use it with. For example, if you add a splash of apple cider vinegar to foods with a high GI, the vinegar actually reduces the GI and keeps the food in your stomach longer (making you feel satiated). Including a few drops of apple cider vinegar before your next meal is a healthy way to keep overeating at bay. Give it a try and be sure to leave a comment on how it worked for you.

Apple cider vinegar also reduces indigestion! Sometimes when we change our diet, we can notice indigestion pop up. Drinking a half teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in 2 oz of water can help aid indigestion.

Here’s a delicious creamy salad dressing to give apple cider vinegar the taste test and discover what you’ve been missing!

Creamy Salad Dressing:


1 tsp chopped fresh thyme
1 clove garlic, crushed and finely chopped
2 tsp freshly juiced apple juice (put your juicer to work!)
2 tbsp apple cider vinegar
4 tbsp organic plain yogurt (or a dairy-free yogurt option)


  1. Place all ingredients in a bowl and whisk together. You can make this even creamier by blending all ingredients in your blender or Vitamix.
  2. Chill in refridgerator.
  3. Serve on your favorite salad.
  4. Enjoy!

If you loved this article and recipe, help spread the news and share it with friends, family and coworkers, using the Facebook and Twitter links below. I would love to hear what salads you put this dressing on and if you have any additional ingredients to spice it up even more! I’d also love to know other ways that you use apple cider vinegar around the house, on your skin/hair, or in recipes. There are so many more ways that we can use this amazing ingredient!