Ditch Your Bra – For Health Reasons

Ditch Your Bra – For Health Reasons

Posted by on Jun 1, 2013 in Health Tips

Ditch your bra! Photo by 21TonGiant This morning, millions and millions of women got up and put on a bra! I personally find bras incredibly uncomfortable. The first thing I do when I walk through the door when I get home from work is take mine off! And truth be told, sometimes it gets taken off in the car BEFORE I drive home from work!  READ MORE

Love and Protect Our Native Bees

Love and Protect Our Native Bees

Posted by on May 17, 2013 in Health Tips

Bee's pollinate and help plants grow. Photo by Giuseppe Savo Most people probably think of honey and beeswax when they think of bees. Personally, I always think about summer, pears and bee stings. When I was younger I hated bees because every single summer I was stung by a bee while on my grandparents farm. It always happened while I was picking pears fresh off the tree. My grandma would say: “You’re fine”, pick me up and say, “lets go make you a mud pack”. And just like that she had mixed up some dirt and water and slapped it on the spot where I was stung. Amazingly it worked, it took the sting away almost immediately. I managed to get through every summer with just one or two bee stings.

Natural Birth Control (And How I Fell In Love With It!)

Natural Birth Control (And How I Fell In Love With It!)

Posted by on Apr 28, 2013 in Health Tips

Natural Birth Control - Find out how I fell in LOVE with it! I LOVE my birth control – but I didn’t always. I was one of the MANY teenagers that thought THE pill was THE only birth control option I had. Filled with media ideas that condoms frequently break and pregnancies occur when least desired, I decided I NEEDED something that worked.  READ MORE

Don’t Fall Victim To The #1 Gluten-Free Mistake!

Don’t Fall Victim To The #1 Gluten-Free Mistake!

Posted by on Apr 28, 2013 in Health Tips

Gluten-free Croissant Going gluten-free can be a difficult challenge. Whatever led you to become gluten-free, I am sure you remember your first grocery store outing on this new regime. You probably felt a little (or a lot) overwhelmed, confused, lost, and frustrated. Where would you start and, what could you possibly eat? READ MORE

Sweat It Out! The Power of Infrared Sauna

Sweat It Out! The Power of Infrared Sauna

Posted by on Apr 8, 2013 in Health Tips

Infrared Sauna From Scandanavian saunas to Roman steam baths to Native American sweat lodges, the beneficial effects of sweating have been well documented.  But in the last decade or so, a new modality of heat therapy has been growing in popularity amongst people looking for alternatives to traditional healing treatments.  The new craze? Infrared Sauna. Keep reading to find out what the fuss is about and why infrared sauna should become part of your healing program!  READ MORE

The supplement Yohimbe promotes Sexual Encounters of the Natural Kind – Is it safe?

The supplement Yohimbe promotes Sexual Encounters of the Natural Kind – Is it safe?

Posted by on Mar 29, 2013 in Health Tips/ Products Undressed

Men and women alike are always on the lookout for ways to enhance their love and sexual life. This is nothing new in our day, and traditional cultures have used various methods, including herbal medicine, in their quest for the right aphrodisiac. One of these herbs that were traditionally used in Africa is the now heavily debated supplement Yohimbe, originally from the West African Yohimbe tree bark and used during fertility celebrations. Yohimbe is known for increasing sexual desire, reversing erectile dysfunction, and even aiding in weight loss, but does not always work on everyone and can have drastic side effects- which can be quite the turn-off indeed.  READ MORE

How to make a vegan diet work for you!

How to make a vegan diet work for you!

Posted by on Mar 28, 2013 in Health Tips

What is a vegan diet?

A vegan diet is a dietary choice where the individual chooses to abstain from eating any food that is directly, or indirectly comprised of any animal product. This means abstaining from meat, poultry, fish and dairy, as well as smaller ingredients that are derived from animals (such as cochineal – a dye used in some foods that is from dried insects), as well as by-products of animals (such as some vitamin D3 which is produced by irradiating lanolin – a substance secreted by sheep). Vegans will also not wear clothing or shoes that contain animal products, such as leather and wool.

Stress 101 and What You Can Do

Stress 101 and What You Can Do

Posted by on Mar 28, 2013 in Health Tips

Stress 101 and what you can do to overcome it. Photo by Translations of the Divine While we may deal with stress differently, it happens to all of us. Stress is a natural reaction; the problem is a lot of us are stressed on a constant level.  READ MORE

Detox Demystified – Undressing Detox Myths

Detox Demystified – Undressing Detox Myths

Posted by on Mar 28, 2013 in Health Tips

Detoxing With Spring just around the corner, the words detox and cleanse are popping up quicker than the cherry blossoms in Vancouver. And just as quickly, are all the questions that start to pop up around this oh-so-trendy topic. Let’s demystify the detox dilemma as we “undress” the mighty detox beast!  READ MORE

Does L-Glutamine Look Good Naked?

Does L-Glutamine Look Good Naked?

Posted by on Mar 28, 2013 in Health Tips/ Whole Foods

L-Glutamine We hear a lot about protein and the need to make sure that we get enough protein each day. Lately, we’ve been hearing more and more about L-Glutamine and that it’s very important for us. But,

  • What is it?
  • Why do we need it?
  • Where can we get it?

Keep reading to find out if L-Glutamine looks good ‘naked’ or if it’s a marketing fad!  READ MORE