Make Your Own Healthy CLIF Bars

Make Your Own Healthy CLIF Bars

Posted by on Sep 17, 2013 in Recipes

Make Your Own Healthy CLIF Bars Growing up, one of my favorite packaged “health” foods was CLIF bars. They are chewy, great-tasting and included many organic food products- or so I thought.  READ MORE

Zucchini Brownies

Zucchini Brownies

Posted by on Aug 6, 2013 in Recipes

Tasty zucchini brownies by Chantal! These sweet and tasty treats are guilt free since they are vegan, low in sugar, high in fiber and gluten free yet still intense in chocolate flavor!  READ MORE

Holy Basil! Feeling Stressed?

Holy Basil! Feeling Stressed?

Posted by on Jun 13, 2013 in Health Tips/ Whole Foods

Holy Basil - Find out how this herb can help alleviate stress This ancient Ayurvedic herb may just help you relax when all other methods fail.

We all know that stress is a part of life and that we must learn to manage through the best means possible, whether it is by getting more sleep, creating healthier eating habits and eating clean whole foods, or getting enough physical exercise during the day. We also know that stress is a dominant factor in inhibiting our immune system. But what happens when we try to create a healthy lifestyle, yet still can’t seem to shake off the feeling of being “too” stressed out?

Enter the ancient herb tulsi.  READ MORE

Is Your Grandmother’s Turnip Actually a Sexy Healthy Vegetable? Yes! Learn How…

Is Your Grandmother’s Turnip Actually a Sexy Healthy Vegetable? Yes! Learn How…

Posted by on Apr 28, 2013 in Recipes/ Whole Foods

Is turnip healthy and sexy? Turnips have been eaten since prehistoric times and originate from many areas in Europe and Asia. Starchy like a potato, it only contains a third of the calories that a potato has and contains many antioxidants, which makes an excellent alternative choice when considering side dishes for your next meal.  READ MORE

Clean & Healthy Lemon Squares

Clean & Healthy Lemon Squares

Posted by on Apr 25, 2013 in Recipes

Clean & Healthy Lemon Squares I LOVE lemons and always have. I used to chow down a box of lemonheads when I was a kid, and always added lemon to my water before I knew of its detoxifying properties.  I find lemon-based desserts and drinks so refreshing and just remind me of how much I wish summer would be here already!  READ MORE

Undressing an Easter Favorite: The Cadbury Crème Egg

Undressing an Easter Favorite: The Cadbury Crème Egg

Posted by on Mar 30, 2013 in Products Undressed

Cadbury Creme Egg - Is it Sexy Undressed? Find out! Warning: The Cadbury Crème Egg is UNHEALTHY.

But wait a minute, you probably already knew that. Yet, every year, when this Easter novelty treat comes around, over 200 million are purchased in the UK alone.  They are now even sold in many different forms, such as a “Twisted” candy bar, an ice cream cone or even a Cadbury Crème Egg McFlurry at McDonald’sREAD MORE

The supplement Yohimbe promotes Sexual Encounters of the Natural Kind – Is it safe?

The supplement Yohimbe promotes Sexual Encounters of the Natural Kind – Is it safe?

Posted by on Mar 29, 2013 in Health Tips/ Products Undressed

Men and women alike are always on the lookout for ways to enhance their love and sexual life. This is nothing new in our day, and traditional cultures have used various methods, including herbal medicine, in their quest for the right aphrodisiac. One of these herbs that were traditionally used in Africa is the now heavily debated supplement Yohimbe, originally from the West African Yohimbe tree bark and used during fertility celebrations. Yohimbe is known for increasing sexual desire, reversing erectile dysfunction, and even aiding in weight loss, but does not always work on everyone and can have drastic side effects- which can be quite the turn-off indeed.  READ MORE