Why smoothies are AWESOME! + Pretty In Pink Smoothie Recipe

Why smoothies are AWESOME! + Pretty In Pink Smoothie Recipe

Posted by on Jul 5, 2013 in Health Tips/ Recipes

Pretty In Pink Smoothie As a nutritionist, people always ask me: “what do you eat for breakfast?” My reality, probably much like yours, is that I need something quick, easy to make and satisfying to get me through my work morning. Ever since I entered the wonderful world of holistic nutrition well over five years ago, I’ve been on the prowl for the “perfect” ideal breakfast-to-go.  READ MORE

Magnesium Can Make You Poop

Magnesium Can Make You Poop

Posted by on Jun 13, 2013 in Health Tips

Magnesium! Magnesium can make you poop. A scary thought for some … exciting for others. But let’s back up a bit.  READ MORE

Low Stomach Acid: Cause and Effect

Low Stomach Acid: Cause and Effect

Posted by on Jun 13, 2013 in Health Tips

Antacids contribute to low stomach acid along with many other things! Keep reading. I don’t love heartburn.

I used to get some wicked heartburn as a child, and even into my early 20’s – especially after a bowlful of my mom’s spaghetti. (sorry ma … love you.) Or other times I’d feel like a meal had turned itself into a heavy brick sitting and slowly rotting in my stomach. I’d be rendered useless for hours waiting like a snake for the decaying mass to painfully inch its way through my body, or I’d be up all night because after it would finally leave my stomach it would blast through my intestines and I’d be sitting on the toilet for hours wasting away my youth. Other than heartburn and indigestion, have you ever given much thought to your stomach acid? Keep reading to find out about low stomach acid: cause and effect. READ MORE

Undigested Food in Your Poop

Undigested Food in Your Poop

Posted by on Jun 13, 2013 in Health Tips

Do you see undigested food in your poop? “Did you have a kale salad with carrots, tomatoes, sprouts and oh are those whole almonds in there?” said the colon hydrotherapist to her client. This is an example of a common scenario I see day in and day out during a colonic session = undigested food. Keep reading to get the scoop on undigested food in your poop.  READ MORE

Tired of Hearing About Probiotics Yet?

Tired of Hearing About Probiotics Yet?

Posted by on Jun 13, 2013 in Health Tips

Probiotics Probiotics.



Everywhere you look people, magazines, commercials, Dr. Oz, and even your friendly neighborhood colon hydrotherapist (me), are all talking about probiotics.

If you haven’t heard about probiotics you probably live in a cave…they’re like the Justin Bieber of the health industry.  READ MORE

High ORAC Foods

High ORAC Foods

Posted by on Jun 13, 2013 in Health Tips

Hot cocoa. Cocoa powder is a high ORAC food. Free radical damage happens as cells turn over and create waste; it is accelerated when the body is under stress, or in the presence of toxic substances. This simple fact is one of the leading theories on aging and cancer, but we can help the body by providing it with foods high in antioxidants. Think of it as arming every cell with high-quality swords, ammunition and maps.  READ MORE

A Green Drink A Day Keeps The Sickness Away

A Green Drink A Day Keeps The Sickness Away

Posted by on Jun 13, 2013 in Health Tips/ Recipes

Green drinks A lot of people ask me as a Holistic Nutritionist how I start my day. One of the many favourite savvy healthy habits I use in my daily routine is to begin my day with a powerful delicious, antioxidant-rich, cancer-fighting green drink.  READ MORE

Holy Basil! Feeling Stressed?

Holy Basil! Feeling Stressed?

Posted by on Jun 13, 2013 in Health Tips/ Whole Foods

Holy Basil - Find out how this herb can help alleviate stress This ancient Ayurvedic herb may just help you relax when all other methods fail.

We all know that stress is a part of life and that we must learn to manage through the best means possible, whether it is by getting more sleep, creating healthier eating habits and eating clean whole foods, or getting enough physical exercise during the day. We also know that stress is a dominant factor in inhibiting our immune system. But what happens when we try to create a healthy lifestyle, yet still can’t seem to shake off the feeling of being “too” stressed out?

Enter the ancient herb tulsi.  READ MORE

Super Greens to the Rescue

Super Greens to the Rescue

Posted by on Jun 13, 2013 in Health Tips/ Whole Foods

Super Greens - available as a powder or in capsules We’ve heard it before and then some: “eat your greens!” But what’s all that hype about anyway? Why the heck have our moms been nagging us to gorge on greens since the day we could chew? Well, dear green beans, the answer lies in the nutrients our greens carry—and that’s where the super greens really shine.  READ MORE

L-Carnitine: Food for Energy

L-Carnitine: Food for Energy

Posted by on Jun 1, 2013 in Health Tips

L-Carnitine - What can this amino acid do for you? For me, I can push more weight! When I first learned about this amino acid, I was looking for ways to increase the amount of weight I could lift and the distance I could run. For 3 years now I’ve been competing in The North Face Canadian Death Race, a 125km cross-country adventure relay through the bear-filled, rugged terrain, and steep mountains of Grande Cache, Alberta, Canada (8 hours north of Calgary) over a 24 hour period. I really wanted to learn more about optimizing energy and taking my training to the next level. That’s when I came across L-carnitine and since then have seen great improvements in my personal fitness and my nutritional and personal training clients with regards to increased fat loss and energy levels, and pushing past plateaus.  READ MORE