Green drinks A lot of people ask me as a Holistic Nutritionist how I start my day. One of the many favourite savvy healthy habits I use in my daily routine is to begin my day with a powerful delicious, antioxidant-rich, cancer-fighting green drink. 

I know, I know, everyone is on the green drink craze these days and it seems much like a fad, right? But the truth is, green drinks aren’t a fad (not to me at least) and not to be treated as such.

In fact, I’ve been drinking the green stuff for years (juice that is!). Green drinks are a way of life and can help us combat a lot of the garbage we are exposed to environmentally and that which we put into our bodies on a daily basis.

Now, that being said, I’m not promoting eat whatever you want and having your one green drink a day will combat all the junk. What I am saying, is that this is a great way to start your healthy transition into a nutrition fun-filled life.

For those of you who have difficulty eating raw vegetables, you may want to consider steaming your veggies before you blend them to make it easier going down. Raw is not for everyone, but for those who can handle it, raw offers many awesome health benefits.

Green drinks are actually one of my hottest, most rockin’ health tools I use almost every single day. They’re easy to make and tasty and totally portable for those on the run. A few more awesome health benefits of green drinks:

  • Help improve energy
  • Aid in weight loss
  • Improve digestion
  • Enhance healthy bowel movements
  • Increase immunity
  • Improve skin and complexion
  • Helps combat stress
  • Ease ache and pains such as arthritis

I make my own so I know exactly what goes into it. I also try to use organic whenever possible (greens are extremely heavily sprayed with pesticides and all kinds of nasty chemicals!).

If you do choose to buy a pre-packaged green drink, take some time to read up on the ingredient label to see what’s in it. Most of the green drink products on the market are filled with and topped off with fruit juices (apple, pear, banana, mango) super high in sugar, enough to destroy your blood sugar and send you into a raging sugar melt down. Here’s one of my personal favorites:

Green Goddess Smoothie:


½ cucumber
2 stalks celery
3-4 leaves of kale (with stem)
¼ cup parsley
1 green apple
½ cup of fresh lemon juice


  1. Chop up all ingredients, except the lemon and place them into your high speed blender of choice (I love the Vitamix for this!).
  2. Cut your lemon in half and squeeze the juice (seeds included- that’s where all the good stuff is!) right into your blender.
  3. Blend on high until completely smooth.  Drink up and get energized!  Makes 2 large green drinks.

Jacquie Robertson's Webpage - Check it out! This recipe was contributed by Jacquie Robertson. At The Naked Label we are head-over-heels in love with Jacquie’s passion and inspiration for self-healing! Check out her site by clicking here. She’ll blow you out of the water with her scrumptious recipes and health articles.  

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