Gingerly Love: Ginger ’s Health Benefits

Gingerly Love: Ginger ’s Health Benefits

Posted by on May 17, 2013 in Recipes/ Whole Foods

Ginger root Ginger is one of my new favourite ingredients to cook with. My love affair with ginger wasn’t always bliss, I actually never liked ginger until just a few months ago and now I just can’t get enough. I never liked the “clean” taste, but now I find it “oh so refreshing”. It is a great pick me up and adds some intense flavour to my morning smoothies. It also adds a little pow of flavour to pretty much any dish I make, especially salad dressings. Ginger is more than just a tasty root, it is a superfood. It has many amazing health benefits, which is just one more reason I love it.

Love and Protect Our Native Bees

Love and Protect Our Native Bees

Posted by on May 17, 2013 in Health Tips

Bee's pollinate and help plants grow. Photo by Giuseppe Savo Most people probably think of honey and beeswax when they think of bees. Personally, I always think about summer, pears and bee stings. When I was younger I hated bees because every single summer I was stung by a bee while on my grandparents farm. It always happened while I was picking pears fresh off the tree. My grandma would say: “You’re fine”, pick me up and say, “lets go make you a mud pack”. And just like that she had mixed up some dirt and water and slapped it on the spot where I was stung. Amazingly it worked, it took the sting away almost immediately. I managed to get through every summer with just one or two bee stings.