Super Greens to the Rescue

Super Greens to the Rescue

Posted by on Jun 13, 2013 in Health Tips/ Whole Foods

Super Greens - available as a powder or in capsules We’ve heard it before and then some: “eat your greens!” But what’s all that hype about anyway? Why the heck have our moms been nagging us to gorge on greens since the day we could chew? Well, dear green beans, the answer lies in the nutrients our greens carry—and that’s where the super greens really shine.  READ MORE

Superfoods To A Super You

Superfoods To A Super You

Posted by on May 17, 2013 in Recipes/ Whole Foods

Goji Berries. Photo by Morgane Bolzer I can probably count on my hands and feet the number of times I’ve been asked the question, “What the heck is so super about superfoods?” Well, my fellow curious cats, let me tell ya!  READ MORE

The Bitter Truth About Bitter Orange

The Bitter Truth About Bitter Orange

Posted by on Apr 28, 2013 in Whole Foods

The Bitter Truth... We’ve all been there—that moment when our skinnies no longer fit right and feel too gosh darn tight (uh, love handles anyone?). This discovery is often followed by a sudden urge to get healthy with a “kick-butt” itinerary that typically includes hitting the gym, forking over dough on primo juicers and top-notch blenders (Vitamix doesn’t come cheap!) and of course raiding health food stores for the latest protein powders, herbal tinctures and soft gels to get us back on track. Well, dear readers (and me 5 years ago…), if you ever find yourself wandering aimlessly through health food store isles struggling to choose between raspberry ketones and timbucktwo, take a step back, scoot on over, and listen up!  READ MORE