best juicing recipe Truth be told. I absolutely LOVE juicing. It has by far been the #1 most beneficial thing I have done for my health. I’m excited to share this juicing recipe with you. It’s definitely one of my favourites. I like to call it the Sexy Foxy Lady Juice! However, for my guy readers out there… it’s perfect for you too! 

This recipe is excellent for anyone interested in losing a few extra pounds, increasing their energy, looking more youthful, or improving their general health.… Yep, so that pretty much includes everyone!! Therefore, check out the video below to see how it’s done and why I love this recipe so much. In just 10 minutes a day you can start seeing incredible improvements in your health.

Let’s do this!

Plus don’t miss me dancing in the kitchen at the end of the video!

Sexy Foxy Lady Juice

Preparation time: 10 minutes!


3 stalks of celery
1/2 cucumber
1/2 carrot
1/2 green apple
1/2 lemon (peeled)
1/2 inch piece of ginger
1/4 head of romaine lettuce
3 small or 2 large stems of kale


  1. Wash and cut up all ingredients into pieces that will fit in your juicer.
  2. Juice all the ingredients in a cold-pressed juicer.
  3. Strain through fine sieve, nut milk bag, or cheese cloth (if desired) and drink immediately (or within 24 hours).

Please help me spread the word about the incredible health benefits of juicing, by sharing this recipe with your friends and family using the social buttons below. I’m on a mission to create world where everyone can be healthy and feel fabulous. Thanks for being part of the journey!!


Perfect Green Juice