Regardless of what your health goals are: weight loss, overcoming depression, managing stress, dealing with anxiety, digestive issues, or any other of the many ways you can improve yourself, you ALWAYS have to be aware of your thoughts. Why? Because what we think (either positive or negative) can have an effect on our physical bodies and our lives. It’s amazing what the power of thoughts can have on us, so use them to your benefit! 

If you’re not familiar with this subject, I’ll try to explain it with the following example: Take the placebo effect – In many scientific studies, a placebo (a medicine, pill or any given treatment with NO healing properties whatsoever) is given to individuals to make them think it will help them heal. The mind is so powerful that even though these people are on a “fake” treatment regiment, believing it works shows an improvement in their health and they actually feel better!

Wow, right?! This shows that a connection exists between our mind and body, to the extent that we can improve our health with our thoughts. We still need help from health practitioners to guide us in terms of the actions we need to take to reach our goals, but it is important to remember our thoughts play a key role on the results we want to achieve.

Translating Positive Thoughts into Affirmations

Now here’s the trick: Once you have these positive thoughts, translate them into affirmations to help you target your health goals more efficiently.

I looked up the definition of ‘affirmation’ and this is what I found: “a statement that something exists or is true”. So basically it’s a big fat YES! Ha!

An affirmation will confirm your thoughts. By saying them out loud, you put out a statement that will help you gain strength and make you believe that your actions will manifest into reality.

It’s pretty awesome how this works. So don’t be shy and get started!

Here are 20 examples of affirmations that may apply to you, so take a look:

  1. I know what I want and how to get it.
  2. Everyday I am one step closer to achieving ____. (Fill in the blank with your health goal).
  3. Everyday I am _____. (Fill in the blank with an adjective: stronger, healthier, better, happier, grateful, more secure, more beautiful, more radiant, more fit).
  4. I love myself to health. (Heard it from a friend once; one of my favorite affirmations).
  5. I only crave healthy food.
  6. I have a fast metabolism and I burn body fat very easily.
  7. I am in charge of my health.
  8. I am in total control of my thoughts and emotions.
  9. I listen to my body and eat only when I am truly hungry.
  10. I always find productive ways to deal with anxiety and stress.
  11. I can do anything I set my mind to.
  12. I eat according to my goals.
  13. Eating healthy comes naturally to me.
  14. I have a healthy relationship with food.
  15. I know what I want and feel positive energy and faith in my purpose.
  16. I love myself; therefore, I choose to be aware of what I eat and how it makes me feel. (Beautiful affirmation by Louise L. Hay).
  17. Everyday my eating habits improve more.
  18. No matter what happens during the day, I remain calm, focused, and at peace.
  19. I am in control of food and I chose what I eat.
  20. I am in control of my temper and my thoughts.

You can also make up your own affirmations, and as many as you want. You can write them on a piece of paper and paste them on your mirror or keep them on your nightstand. You want to make sure you put them somewhere accessible to repeat them every day. When you want results, consistency is your ally.

It is important to remember that the success of this technique relies on positive thinking.  If you find that your affirmations are not helping, it is possible that you are allowing negative thoughts to stand in your way.  It’s not easy, but try your best to avoid counter productive thinking.

I want to leave you with a quote from Henry Ford – “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – you’re right”.

So think positive! Translate your thoughts into affirmations and then in to actions. You are in charge!

Let me know in the comment section below what your favourite affirmation is. Just by leaving a comment you are saying it out loud and it will become more real for you. Also, click the social links below to help share this with your friends and family. We definitely want to help make sure they have the tools to help them achieve all their health goals.

Have an amazing day, with love,


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