backyard collard rolls

Last night my husband and I were sitting out in our backyard discussing what we should make for dinner when he blurted out, “I would kill for some cabbage rolls!” 

Our heads started spinning, and we creatively began to throw out ideas on how we could make this happen. We have a beautiful vegetable garden and we quickly became inspired by the collards growing in our own soil.

Below is our take on cabbage rolls, but with a more nutritious twist, with the addition of all organic ingredients such as brown rice, portobello mushrooms and a handful of fresh herbs.

With everything that I put into my body I almost always have a nutritious reason.

The collards in our recipe have numerous health benefits, such as having a very large concentration of sulfur compounds. Sulfur helps maintain healthy joints, boosts the immune system, and aids in fat digestion and absorption. Collards are also one of the best plant based sources of calcium and also contain lots of fiber, omega 3’s, magnesium, potassium and energy producing vitamins B1, B2 and B5!

backyard collard rolls We also stuffed those bad boys with brown rice, which is a high source of fiber, minerals and B vitamins. It’s also important to mention brown rice’s nemesis, white rice, as all rice is not created equal. Through over processing, white rice can lose up to 70-90% of its B vitamins, as well as 11 other beneficial nutrients, such as iron, manganese and phosphorus.

Instead of using meat like traditional cabbage rolls, we added portobello mushrooms, a tasty addition, better known as the “Food Of The Gods.” Back in ancient Egypt the pharaoh believed that mushrooms granted immortality, and the commoners weren’t allowed to touch them – let alone eat them! Portobello mushrooms are packed with a long list of nutrients, but more specifically, health promoting polysaccharides, and phytonutrients, which help to protect our body from free radical damage to our cells and DNA.

Did you know that mushrooms are a great source of vitamin D when exposed to sunlight? Simply place your mushrooms in the sun, and when exposed to sunlight for a short period of time, they will absorb levels of vitamin D, increasing their levels to many times the minimum daily requirement. How cool is that?

Now this is a meal you can feel proud to eat. Remember, when we treat our body awesome through nutrition, we’re rewarded with a boost in overall energy, a positive mood, and a feeling of wholeness. Who says that eating healthy can’t taste great too? Give this collard greens recipe a try and see for yourself!

backyard collard rolls

Backyard Collard Rolls


6 collard leaves
1 cup of long grain brown rice (follow package instructions)
3 large portobello mushrooms
1/2 cup of vegetable broth
3 cloves of garlic chopped
1/4 cup of fresh thyme or 1 tsp of dried
1 cup of organic Eden Foods tomato sauce in a glass jar (BPA Free)




  1. Preheat oven to 350°F.
  2. Begin cooking rice according to package.
  3. While the rice is cooking take the collards and use a pairing knife to shave off the thick stems to make for easier rolling. (Trying not to damage the actual leaves.)
  4. 15 minutes before the rice is completed add veggie broth to the pan and once heated add the mushrooms and garlic. Saute on low for 10 minutes until tender. Add the thyme for the last 3 minutes of cooking.
  5. Add the mushrooms including the mushroom sauce to the rice.
  6. Line your collards on a cutting board and add the rice mixture according to the size of the wrap. Wrap as you would fold a burrito.
  7. Place the collards on a steaming device and steam for 15 to 20 minutes based on your desired texture. The longer you steam the thinner and softer the roll will be.
  8. Once steamed place a thin layer of veggie broth in a casserole dish, then lay out the collard rolls on top and cover them with the tomato sauce. Bake for 20 minutes at 350°F.

Note: It would also taste delicious by adding some Daiya Cheddar Style Shreds on top to entice some skeptical friends or family.

Remember cooking can be a fun, creative process. I think most people get stunted when they directly follow a recipe. If you can begin thinking outside the box (literally) and begin cooking with whole plant based foods you will discover that cooking can actually become a creative outlet. Taste as you go, add or subtract flavours based on your taste buds and you’ll always come out on top!

PS. Do you have a garden? Are you growing broccoli? My best friend discovered that broccoli leaves actually taste amazing! Who knew? Try using the broccoli leaves instead of the collards in your next recipe – you’ll be pleasantly surprised.

Lettuce Change At The Naked Label we absolutely LOVE Karlie and Natasha! They are two sisters who have a business called Lettuce Change. They are inspirational, kind, and a wealth of knowledge. We are so excited to be able to share their delicious recipes with you! 

Do you like cabbage rolls? In the comment section below let us know what memories come to mind when you think “cabbage rolls” and if you give this variation a try definitely let us know what you thought! Also, please help us spread the word by sharing this healthy recipe with your friends using the social links below.