Anyone who knows me knows how much I love cooking and entertaining. I would say it’s genetic. My mother is one of the best cooks and definitely one of the best entertainers I have ever met. I have never met anyone who can throw together a party like she can. Luckily, being her daughter I have benefited greatly from this. Aiming to pay it forward, I love having friends and family in for dinner parties as well. I love cooking but I also love the art of presenting food and making it look like a masterpiece. I see food as more than just an input for our health. I see it as the catalyst for bringing family and friends together around a dinner table to build connection.

In this video I show you some quick tricks I’ve learned in the kitchen that will help you spice up your next dinner party and have your guests asking for the number of your caterer! It’s food art. Basically taking food and turning it into fancy garnishes for your dishes.

The first trick is how to turn a strawberry into a bunny and the second is how to turn a radish into a toadstool. Enjoy!

If you give these cutie-pie’s a try please let me know about it in the comment section below. I’d love to hear from you 🙂