Red Beet Juice The benefits of juicing are endless! Below are a handful or reasons why you should consider drinking your vegetables and fruit! 

Undressing the benefits of juicing!

When you extract the juice from organic produce you are left with all the valuable and wholesome micronutrients. These nutrients are absorbed by the body instantly due to the fact that there is no longer any fiber to slow down the process.

Don’t get me wrong fiber is extremely essential in our daily diet. Fiber is needed for proper digestion, proper elimination and to help with removing toxins from the body. It’s recommended we get at least 30 to 50 grams of fiber daily. Did you know the average North American gets less than 10 grams? No wonder laxatives are a multi-billion dollar industry – that’s a lot of backed up people! Another glorious benefit to a plant-based diet, is that there is no shortage of fiber. Someday’s I’ve calculated upwards to 90 grams.

Before we go any further and you run off to buy a juicer I want to make sure you realize the extreme importance of juicing with organic vegetables! If you are juicing with conventional veggies your juice can become a toxic nightmare concentrated of pesticides and defeat the purpose of its detoxifying properties. If you are unable to purchase organic produce my advice is to peel the skin off to limit your pesticide exposure.

What’s the best time to juice?

The most beneficial time to juice is in the morning. After sleeping your body has fasted, that’s why they call it breakFAST. “Breakfast” literally means “breaking the fast.” This is the best time of the day to absorb nutrients because of this very reason and because it doesn’t have any other food to compete with. Drinking juice anytime of the day is still very beneficial. The benefits of juicing are still there no matter what time, but the morning remains the best time.

Breakfast should provide about 20%-25% of your daily nutritional requirements. Juicing based on this will give you an excellent start to the day. Replace this with your morning coffee and you’ll eliminate your 3 p.m. crash or your afternoon headache. Juicing will provide you with true energy and help repair your adrenal glands; compared to damaging your adrenals with coffee and empty promises.

Why replacing your coffee with juice will rock your world!

Another benefit of eliminating coffee consumption is that your sleeping patterns will drastically improve. Coffee molecules stay in your bloodstream for up to 8 hours, which effect your body’s ability to reach rem sleep. It’s no wonder the line up for coffee in the morning at the local drug dealer is lined up around the building. What we have here is a vicious cycle – the body is not capable of reaching rem sleep, which means, there is never a chance for the body to repair and rejuvenate. It’s not just about the number of hours of sleep, its about the quality of those hours. If you find yourself having trouble waking up in the morning, staying alert all day, crashing throughout the afternoon, you are more than likely not spending enough time in rem sleep. This can take years off your life! A simple elimination of this substance and a substitution for a fresh organic juice can reverse that and add those years back with optimal health.

It has been shown that people who eat a well balanced breakfast are less likely to be over-weight, less likely to crave and snack on unhealthy foods, have improved mental performance, concentration and a better mood. Plus you get instant sustainable energy! Doesn’t that sound lovely?

Red Beet Juice

This juice is very detoxifying, hence the name. The beets and carrots cleanse and restore the liver. It’s extremely alkalizing and packs a nutritional punch with antioxidants to help fight free radical damage, beta carotene/vitamin A for your skin, eyes and hair and contains minerals like calcium, iron, magnesium for you blood and bones.


3 large beets
6 carrots
1 cup of kale
1 small apple
1/2 a squeeze of lemon


  1. In a juicer process the beets, carrots, kale and apple.
  2. Squeeze the juice from half a lemon into the deliciousness and stir. Serve immediately.
Note: If you struggle to manage your blood sugar you may want to consume this with food since consuming it on an empty stomach may result in a spike in blood sugar. Even though it’s natural sugars from fruits and vegetables it can still spike your blood sugar.

Lettuce Change At The Naked Label we absolutely LOVE Karlie and Natasha! They are two sisters who have a business called Lettuce Change. They are inspirational, kind, and a wealth of knowledge. We are so excited to be able to share their delicious recipes with you! 

If you LOVE vegetable juice too let us know in the comment section below what your favourite juicing ingredients are. We would LOVE LOVE LOVE to hear from you! Also, please help us spread the word about the health benefits of juicing by sharing this healthy recipe with your friends using the social links below. We really need to get this message out there so more people can start benefiting from this magic health cocktail!