Lack Of Vitamin K2 Leads To Osteoporosis And Heart Disease

Lack Of Vitamin K2 Leads To Osteoporosis And Heart Disease

Posted by on Jan 5, 2013 in Health Tips/ Whole Foods

Vitamin K2

Many of us think we are looking after our bones by taking our calcium pills religiously. We drink milk and eat cheese and yogurt, almonds and spinach. Some of us add vitamin D to the mix, hoping that by doing so we’ll avoid osteoporosis.

It’s great that we’re trying to take care of ourselves, but unfortunately we’re missing a most important part of the equation for good bone health and the prevention of osteoporosis and heart disease — Vitamin K2.  READ MORE

Antioxidants: What the heck are they & why should we care?

Antioxidants: What the heck are they & why should we care?

Posted by on Oct 19, 2012 in Whole Foods

Antioxidants destroy free radicals.

Yes, I know, you’ve probably heard this before, and you’ve been making an effort to get more antioxidants into your diet.

What is an antioxidant?

But why? What is an antioxidant, and what on earth are those dangerous free radicals? Isn’t a radical one of those kids with beards and long hair who advocate for change through protesting – like the Occupy people?

So let’s break it down.  READ MORE

Is it hot in here — or is it just me? Nutrition for Menopause

Is it hot in here — or is it just me? Nutrition for Menopause

Posted by on Aug 8, 2012 in Health Tips

Use the word “menopause” and you conjure up images of forgetful, scattered, crabby (bitchy, really), overweight older women who are constantly fanning themselves. Stereotypes, of course, but where there are stereotypes, there is truth, and the truth is that there are many women who experience some or all of these symptoms. But also, where there are stereotypes, there are many women who defy them.  READ MORE