How our thoughts make us do things we don’t want to do…

How our thoughts make us do things we don’t want to do…

Posted by on Apr 15, 2014 in Health Tips

"I had to turn inward and find out the mechanics behind my addictions. These learnings were instrumental in helping me quit." When I finally got to that point where I was ready to stop adding to that hefty down payment on a house I had already smoked away, I had to turn inward and find out the mechanics behind my addictions. These learnings were instrumental in helping me quit.  READ MORE

Undressing Diets – Finding The Right Diet That Fits You

Undressing Diets – Finding The Right Diet That Fits You

Posted by on Feb 21, 2013 in Health Tips

What's The Right Diet? How is this for irony? In 2009, Americans spent over $60 billion to lose weight. They also have the highest health-care expenditure of the developed nations. Yet, it is one of the unhealthiest with one-third of U.S. adults reported as being obese, landing at the top of the list of countries with the highest obesity rates in the world. This is not just a problem south of our borders. In Canada, one in four adults are obese and one-third of those between ages 5-17 are either overweight or obese.

The question may arise, “Clearly, we have a problem that is not going away and is on the rise. So what is the right approach and what is the right diet?”  READ MORE