Just because I love eating healthy doesn’t mean I have to give up chocolate and dessert! This is one of my staple healthy dessert recipes. Did you know you could make a chocolate mousse recipe using avocado? It’s phenomenal! Your guests and kids will love it.

You may be thinking to yourself… “What about the fat in avocado”? The truth is that avocados do have fat, but it’s THE HEALTHY FAT! Healthy fat is essential for brain function, it helps our cells stay moveable and flexible, 60% of our heart’s energy comes from burning fat, it helps insulate and protect our nerves, etc. I’m not suggesting you go out and eat gallons of the chocolate mousse in one sitting, however, enjoying this as a healthy treat once in a while is a fabulous way to appease the sweet tooth while still staying aligned with your health goals. 

avocado chocolate mousse recipe

This Avocado Chocolate Mousse recipe is from my 10 recipe free cookbook. If you haven’t got your copy yet you can get it here totally FREE! 




What do you love to top your chocolate mousse with? I love blueberries! You? Let me know in the comment section below.

Plus if you could share this recipe with your friends and family to help me spread the word about health that would be a huge help! I’m on a mission to create a world where everyone can be healthy and feel fabulous. Thanks for being a part of the journey!