Increasing your Water and Fibre go hand in hand in promoting regular and effective Elimination.

Increasing your water and fiber go hand in hand in promoting regular and effective elimination. Why is supporting effective elimination so important? All of our toxins, build up, and waste is collected. The faster we get these out of our bodies, the less time they have to collect in the body and create problems in our systems. Constipation is very common and many symptoms and side effects can be caused by this. Acne, skin issues and rashes, headaches, stomach pains, and irritability are some symptoms just to name a few.

A diet too low in fiber, insufficient good “healthy” bacteria, and too high in processed foods is the major cause of colon problems. 

So what do we need to do to promote healthy bowel movements?

Drink lots of water throughout the day!

Check out this article I wrote about the importance of water to learn why we should be drinking it throughout the day.

Maintain a balance of soluble and insoluble fibre (30-40 grams per day)

Soluble: gluey or gummy when added to water- such as flax seeds, chia seeds, and oatmeal

Insoluble: vegetables like dark leafy greens, cruciferous vegetables (cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage), etc

Increasing foods that are high in probiotics

Probiotics are foods and supplements containing the beneficial bacterial cultures that help the body’s naturally occurring intestinal flora re-establish themselves. Probiotics can be found in fermented foods such as:

  • Miso paste
  • Kimchi
  • Tamari
  • Sauerkraut
  • Kefir
  • Kombucha
  • Pickled Vegetables

Probiotics improve digestion, enhance mineral absorption, reduce cholesterol, help the liver complete detoxification, and strengthen the immune system.  Check out my good friend’s Alchemy Pickle Company for where you can get some amazing fermented foods and beverages all locally here in Toronto!!

Choosing healthy fats to provide lubrication

Increase your healthy fats with essential fatty acids known as EFA’s.

EFA’s can be found in cold water fish oil, flax seeds and oil, chia seeds and oil, salmon, halibut, avocado oil, fresh raw walnuts, sunflower seeds, and pecans.

Lower the amount of refined starches, sugar, and processed foods in your diet and increase whole, real foods in their natural form

Ok, so I know this is a BIG one.. but it’s all about baby steps.

If you eat white bread right now make a switch to whole grain.

If you LOVE sugar and sweets start switching to real fruit and natural sweeteners like honey and coconut syrup.

Remember.. baby steps.. each step that you make toward healthier choices all make a HUGE difference in the end! When I talk about whole foods I mean beans, legumes, veggies, fruit, and grains that don’t come out of a box or take less than 3 minutes to make!

Increase your fruit and veggies

I know you’ve heard this since childhood, but your mother was right! So many benefits come from eating real fruit and vegetables.. and they are so rich in fiber! Try one new veggie each week and keep it exciting!


At least 3-4x per week, and everyday if you can (30 minutes each day).

Make time to go to the washroom

Like everything else in our lives sometimes we just rush too much! Relax and make time!

Hopefully you have learned a couple of tips and know which ones could benefit your daily routine right away!

This challenge is so important to me and is on the top of my list next to water because I think it is something everyone could use a little help with. A lot of people rely on caffeine for their daily bowel movement. Would they still go minus the caffeine?

The Green Bin

I think about it like the green bin. We throw out all of our waste in the green bin that has no use to us, such as damaged, rotting and bruised produce where it sits and continues to rot and putrefy. Now think about waste and toxins that are being stuck in our systems..  nothing good is happening from that.. RIGHT?!!

Laura Harvey at Fresh Senses! This article was created by Laura Harvey at Fresh Senses. We at The Naked Label love to follow Laura because she’s not only a tell-it-like-it-is Registered Holistic Nutritionist, but she’s also super passionate about healthy cooking and fresh, real food. We are ALL about that! Be sure to check out Laura Harvey’s website for more great health tips, upcoming workshops and recipes: Fresh Senses.

Please feel free to ask questions, offer your own struggles or challenges, and comment on your progress. We couldn’t be more excited to hear from you! Also, invite friends and family to read and learn this info and let’s Be Healthy and Feel Fabulous together! 

Photographs by Laura Harvey.