When I was a kid I went through a stage where I was a picky eater. I’m sure that it drove my mom crazy! One day to the next she would never know what I would and wouldn’t eat. For some foods I legitimately didn’t like the taste or texture. However, there were other foods for which I don’t recall ever disliking the taste, I just didn’t like the idea of them. Brussels sprouts were one of those foods. 

The good news is that with age I smartened up. Nowadays Brussels sprouts and I have become good friends. I wanted to write an article undressing the health benefits of these little green goddesses and provide a delicious recipe as a way of apologizing to them for all the years I unfairly left them off my plate.

If you already love Brussels sprouts you will enjoy reading about all the great benefits they are providing your sexy bod. If you aren’t crazy about them, keep reading. Later in the article I provide an explanation as to why many people don’t like the taste and how to change that. This trick is so simple!

Undressing the key health benefits of Brussels sprouts

  • Helps with detoxification
    • Of all the cruciferous vegetables, Brussels sprouts contain one of the highest amounts of glucosinolate, which can help with the detoxification of cancer causing substances. Also, Brussels sprouts are high in sulfur containing nutrients, which help with detoxification in our liver.
  • Helps provide antioxidant support
    • There is a war going on in our bodies with free radicals, and the antioxidants act as peacekeepers. This is why it is so important that we consume a lot of them in our diet. Brussels sprouts are an excellent source as they are high in a whole host of antioxidants such as Vitamin C, E, beta-carotene, manganese, etc.
  • Helps with inflammation
    • Excess inflammation in the body can lead to chronic illnesses. It is extremely important that we consume foods that show inflammation whose boss. Luckily, Brussels sprouts can help us get the job done since they contain elements like glucosinolate, antioxidants, and omega 3’s that help reduce the inflammation in the body.
  • Helps with cardiovascular health
    • These little green warriors do this by reducing inflammation and helping to lower cholesterol. Bonus!
  • Helps with the digestive system
    • Not only are Brussels sprouts an excellent source of fiber, they contain special nutrients that help protect the stomach from the overgrowth of Helicobacter Pylori, an unwanted bacteria.

These incredible green nutrition machines sure do help deliver a powerful punch to our dinner plate!  I can’t believe I avoided them for so many years.

Now for the fun stuff, eating them!

How to cook Brussels sprouts in a way that makes them nutritious and delicious!

One of the most nutritious ways of preparing Brussels sprouts is to steam them for no more than 5-10 minutes. If you cook them for too long you risk losing a lot of the beneficial nutrients they contain. In addition, if you cook them for too long they will start to have a pungent sulfurous odour, which isn’t very nice.  In fact, often times when people don’t like Brussels sprouts it is because they have only consumed them when they were overcooked!

Here is a recipe that I think will keep you coming back for more.

Steamed Brussels Sprouts with Tahini Dressing

Serves 4 as a side dish

1 lb Brussels sprouts
2 tbsp slivered almonds

Dressing Ingredients
¼ cup tahini
¼ cup water
1/8 cup lemon juice
1 small clove of garlic crushed
1 tbsp honey
2 pinches of salt


  1. Put 2 inches of water in the bottom of a steamer and bring to a boil.
  2. Peel off any yellowing leaves from the Brussels sprouts and cut into quarters.
  3. Put the Brussels sprouts into the steamer and steam for 5 minutes.
  4. Put the dressing ingredients into a jar and shake well.
  5. Put the Brussels sprouts in a bowl and toss with dressing.
  6. Transfer to a bowl and toss with dressing and slivered almonds.


If you have any other Brussels sprouts recipes or childhood stories about Brussels sprouts, please share them with us below.

Also, help us help the Brussels sprouts by spreading the good word about these green nutrition powerhouses on facebook and twitter. They are in season right now and are just waiting for you to stop by for a visit at your local grocery store.

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