Let’s talk beans. Are your canned beans keeping a dirty little secret? If you are buying canned beans that are made by any company other than EDEN, chances are they can’t be trusted. If they aren’t EDEN then they contain Bisphenal-A (BPA). Yikes!! This is harmful stuff. It is an endocrine disruptor and can wreak havoc on your hot bod. In just a minute I’ll go into more detail about this pain in the butt toxin, so keep reading! Furthermore, many canned beans contain preservatives, refined salt, and other unwanted substances. The naked truth about these canned products is that they could be harming you and your family unless you are buying the right ones. Let’s undress this issue further to see what we can do to protect ourselves.
Are the canned beans in your cupboard transporting BPA into your bod?
The short answer is that if they don’t say EDEN on them (which is a company name) then they may be polluting your body. BPA leaches out of the lining of most commercial canned beans. The reason that the ones by EDEN do not is because they pay a 21-34% premium on the cans they buy from their supplier to have them lined with an enamel made from vegetable resins. Click here to learn more about their cans.
Why is BPA so bad?
There was a lot of press a few years back about BPA and its harmful effects. The main culprits at the time were water bottles and baby bottles. However, canned foods are one of the nastiest culprits. The concern is that BPA can act as an endocrine disruptor which basically means it funks up our hormones. Here is a list of some of the harmful effects BPA may cause to your sexy self:
- Interfere with production or activity of hormones in endocrine system
- Cause reduced fertility
- Increase risk of endometriosis
- Increase risk of many cancers
- Affect sperm levels in men
- Affect developing reproductive and nervous systems, and organs of infants and fetuses
- Lead to early puberty
- Affect the immune and nervous system
Holy tamole! Those seem like risks I’m not a fan of taking.
Other important tid-bits about canned beans:
In addition to using problematic BPA cans, many companies also put other things in their products like processed salt and preservatives. These are things you are going to want to stay away from. Chances are they are not using a high quality Celtic sea salt or a Himalayan crystal salt. Therefore, it should be avoided. Although the whole BPA-free cans was enough to convince me, here are some other benefits of the EDEN product for those of you that have your cute butts perched on the fence and aren’t yet sold on switching:
- They are organic. Yahoo! This means there is an even greater reduction in toxicity and chemical exposure in comparison to non-organic products.
- They are cooked with Kombu Seaweed. This helps to soften the bean and enhance its flavour. And you know how ga-ga I get over good flavour!!
- Their canned beans are salt free which helps people better manage their sodium intake
- None of their foods are genetically modified
- They maintain a zero tolerance policy for irradiation. Way to go!!
A little insight into how often I eat canned beans:
I’ll start by saying that my most preferable way of preparing beans is to buy them dried, soak them overnight in some kelp seaweed powder and cook them myself or sprout them. I believe this is healthiest way and it helps to maintain the most nutrition. However, let’s face it, sometimes time is of the essence and soaking them isn’t an option. I wish I could say that I always plan my meals ahead of time and therefore have no problem soaking beans overnight in preparation for the next day. Haha, but that would be a bold faced lie. The truth is, I soak and cook/sprout my beans about 75% of the time and the rest of the time I am in a mad rush and therefore use beans from a can. Always EDEN
Let’s face it, you are way too fabulous to allow BPA and other harmful ingredients into that hot bod of yours. Do yourself a favour and stay away from canned beans that contain these harmful substances. Yes, you will have to pay a little bit more. BUT YOU’RE WORTH IT!!
I would love love love to hear from you so make sure to leave a comment below. Also, I am on a mission to rid people’s houses of harmful canned beans one cupboard at a time. Help me spread the word by sharing this post on facebook and tweeting about it on twitter.