Thanks for visiting! We would like to extend this exciting one time offer so you can benefit if you are interested. 

ACT NOW and you can receive our 7-Day Video Based Cleanse Program for only $99 (regularly $297).

You get access to the program FOR LIFE! You can do it in the comfort of your own home whenever you want and however many times you want.

Plus, if you aren’t fully satisfied we offer a 30-Day Money Back Guarantee! So you can’t lose!

This program is food based, simple, delicious, filling, educational, and a tonne of fun! Join me as we dance our way to a healthier and more fabulous new bod! Check out what others are saying about it!



Key Features:

1. Research

We did research and this program was built using all the aspects of cleanse programs people loved. AND we made sure to eliminate the parts people didn’t like (e.g. complicated recipes that required you to be in the kitchen all day!). Who has time for that anyways?

2. Video Based

Once you sign up you get instant access to all the educational videos, recipes, shopping lists, and entertaining videos showing how to make all the meals. You get ACCESS for life and can complete the cleanse as often as you like and as many times as you want. Did I mention you get access FOR LIFE!!! This is incredible!



3. The Food

The food is delicious, easy to make and filling!! People who do this cleanse are always shocked at how amazing the food is and how easy it is to make. You even get to eat healthy pancakes one day! You’re probably thinking – “Pancakes on a cleanse? Sign me up!” The cool part is that every recipe has a cooking video so we can dance and have a blast doing this program together.

4. Other Health Benefits

Although this is a cleanse program that is focused on cleaning the gunk out of your sexy bod. People who have done it have experienced many other incredible benefits such as increased energy, weight loss, decreased inflammation, improved skin, feeling younger, etc.

5. 30-Day Money Back Guarantee

I’m so confident that you are going to absolutely LOVE  this program that I am offering a 30-day money back guarantee. That’s right, if you don’t find value in this incredible program I will give you your money back, no questions asked.

What are you waiting for? If you have ever thought that you would like to improve your health or feel a tad more fabulous, this is your chance.

If you are interested, you need to act fast. This offer is only available for you today. For the low price of only $99, you can get this incredible program and save hundreds!


Check out what other people are saying about The Naked Label 7 Day Cleanse:

Hi Briana. I want to thank you for the wonderful one week cleanse that you developed. My husband and I completed the cleanse a few weeks ago. We feel fantastic. We are incorporating more whole foods into our regular diet. We are eating less meat and fewer wheat products. As well we are continuing to have lemon water every morning and a large glass of warm water before each meal. I had a headache at the end of the first day. I think it was due to caffeine withdrawal as I had been drinking several cups of black tea every day. It was gone the next morning and as the week progressed I felt less bloated and more energized. My bowel movements became regular and soft.  Both my husband and I lost 2 or 3 pounds over the week. The meals were delicious. The instructions were detailed and thorough.  The videos made understanding how to make each meal very easy and your reminders of what to take with you to work every day were invaluable. The meals took only about an hour to prepare each evening and bonus lunch for the next day was ready too! Thank you!  The experience was great. I will use it again I am sure.
– Jenny-Lou Santoro

I am on day 2 of the cleanse..and loving it! Your recipes are amazing too. I think this may turn into a 4 weeker! :)”
– Kimberley Zakaib

The Naked Label 7 Day Cleanse changed my life! I have always tried to eat pretty healthy but I really didn’t know how to go about doing it. I found that when I ate a healthy meal it usually tasted ‘healthy’ and/or it was so complex, requiring a great amount of my time and effort. Between not tasting delicious and taking so much of my time, eating well was not something I could sustain, and as a result eating ‘healthy’ for me was more like a nutritious meal scattered around mostly not-so-nutritious meals.
That being said, I didn’t think I was eating mostly not-so-nutritious meals. No, I definitely thought I was eating pretty well. And that is where The Naked Label 7 Day Cleanse changed my life. It wasn’t because I read or heard about the health benefits of the Cleanse. In fact I hear and read a lot about different foods and cleanses that my friends and I try, but something was drastically different with The Naked Label 7 Day Cleanse. I actually experienced huge changes. I felt great and people started noticing – only a few days on the Cleanse! I was in great moods all the time – partly because I felt great and partly because I looked great!
I did not start The Naked Label 7 Day Cleanse because I wanted to lose weight. In fact I didn’t even think it was possible for me to lose weight since I thought I was eating well and had been at a pretty constant weight for many years. I was very shocked when I started losing weight on the Cleanse. And the weight just kept coming off and coming off. The Naked Label 7 Day Cleanse kick started me into a fat burning machine! I’m not exaggerating at all. I had to go buy all new clothes because I had dropped multiple dress sizes. People ask me all the time how I am losing so much weight – they want to know what diet I am on. I laugh and I tell them I am eating more food, more fat, and more delicious foods than I had ever in my life, and I am spending less time preparing it all! Sounds like a dream come true? It really is my dream come true! And I have The Naked Label 7 Day Cleanse to thank.
I do not feel deprived of tasty foods or crave foods, like I used to before I started the Cleanse. This is because the way I ate on the Cleanse (and continue to eat thanks to lifetime access to it) is actually the most delicious way I have ever eaten. Honestly, the taste of the foods from The Naked Label 7 Day Cleanse hands down beat the taste of the unhealthy ‘normal’ foods I used to eat. Not to mention how amazing I feel and look eating The Naked Label foods. I cannot possibly imagine living life any other way now.
I whole heartedly recommend The Naked Label 7 Day Cleanse. I certainly know it was one of the best things I have done for myself and I wouldn’t be where I am today without it.
– Dr. Judene Smith

I surprisingly enjoyed the cleanse. Going into it I thought it was going to be a rough week for me – that I would be hungry from eating small amounts of weird food. But that didn’t happen at all. I actually enjoyed the taste of the food and still make the recipes now. I wasn’t hungry during the cleanse, in fact I was full after the meals and I was really impressed with that. I lost weight, but not in the way that made me look skinny. In the past when I have lost weight I end up looking smaller, and as a guy I don’t like that. But after the cleanse I lost weight and maintained muscle – actually it seems like I have more muscle mass now, and I don’t even know how that is possible since I haven’t changed anything else. I feel great overall – even my mental clarity seems to be improved. I must admit that sometimes I start craving the food from the cleanse when I have been eating unhealthy foods.
– Andre Benoit

This is your last chance to grab this incredible program for only $99 – don’t miss out!!

Still not sure if this program is right for you? I’m here to help! I am so committed to making sure you get the health you desire, I am providing my direct phone number so you can call me personally to get your questions answered. My direct number is 647.296.6550.

Yours truly in naked health,
Briana Santoro
Founder and Chief Product Undresser